834mg THC | 655mg CBD – MCT Oil Tincture
Strain Type: Sativa-dominant hybrid, 75/25
Genetics: Critical x Juanita la Lagrimosa
Flavor Profile: citrus, flowery, fruity, hash
How it feels: medicated but functional, grounded, and aware
Recommended for: ADHD/ADD, anxiety, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, inflammation, pain relief from injury or surgery, stress
Terpene information: Carene (improve bone health), Myrcene (relaxing), Ocimene (helps clear the lungs when smoked or vaped), Sabinene (anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory)
High THC + CBD makes Royal Medic one of the best medicinal strains available today
Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical compounds that are found in cannabis and provide consumers with a wide range of effects. THC and CBD are examples of some of the most commonly known cannabinoids.